"Well, my book is now available. It took a long, long time to get here, but here we are. As you read the Preface of the book I hope you will feel the passion with which I wrote it. I have held many positions in my life that have consisted of both power and responsibility. Writing this book and exposing the corruption within our judicial system dwarfs anything else that I have ever done. This book should scare the daylights out of you. It will forever haunt me."
-Larry Hohol

"After thirty-plus years as a prosecutor in New York City and State, I thought I had seen it all. But reading The Luzerne County Railroad by Larry Hohol lets me know that my battles with corrupt politicians and other criminals barely scraped the surface...."
- Attorney Edward Rothman
Special Prosecutor
New York State Attorney Generals Office (Retired)

"A MUST READ for anyone who cares about equality and fairness under the law. Riveting, well documented and, oh so very real from start to finish."
- Robert Surrick, Esq
Former member of the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board (JIRB).
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Candidate.
Author of "Lawyers, Judges and Journalists - The Corrupt and the Corruptors".
Recipient of the "Public Service Achievement Award" presented by Pennsylvania Common Cause."

"The reader discovers each wrong committed by the court is more outrageous than the prior..."
"....One of the most striking aspects of this book is how Hohol backs up each and every allegation of judicial corruption with actual court documents, exhibits and un-recanted newspaper reports. This corruption happened in plain sight with tens of thousands of citizens who were watching the court’s every move."
"If you read but one non-fiction book in the next year, I highly recommend it be this one."
- Nancy Swan
Author of the future book "Toxic Justice"

"Larry Hohol has performed a service by explaining how unchecked power and personal relationships in the courts can lead to unjust results with devastating consequences...."
-Curt Schroder
Pennsylvania State Representative
155th Legislative District

"...a wakeup call to all those concerned about the direction of our Judiciary. This book is well written and kept my attention every step of the way."
- Rick M
Retired FBI Agent

"I received your book today, I started reading it and just couldn’t stop. Cover to cover. I hardly ever read an entire book but it was riveting...."
-Frank B

"This book is OUTSTANDING and WELL WRITTEN!!!! I could not put it down and have people waiting in line to read it.... GREAT BOOK!"
-Carol D.

"This book should be required reading for any prospective entrepreneur, business student, business owner, or any person who ever walks into the Luzerne County Courthouse for anything other than a tour."
"This book clearly illustrates that many Luzerne County judges do not make decisions based on law, but rather on their own set of personal destinations. Hohol’s book details the complete lack of accountability judges enjoy and abuse regularly. It is full of actual court documents and correspondence."
-John Plucenik
Website book review
Independent NEPA

WBRE (NBC) TV 28 interviews Larry Hohol during the Barnes and Noble Author Event featuring Larry.
WVIA FM (PBS) Radio interviews Larry Hohol about his book "The Luzerne County Railroad". This interview was conducted as part of the Barnes and Noble Author Event featuring Larry.
Larry Hohol Interview on WILK-FM Radio
Larry Hohol is interviewed by Sue Henry, host of "The Sue Henry Show" on WILK-FM, 103.1 in Wilkes-Barre on June 16, 2011 as a part of the "Barnes and Noble Author Event". The scheduled 20 minute appearance was extended to two hours after the switchboard lit up solid with phone calls from listeners. The video is in six parts. The remaining five parts can be found in Larry's Judicial Corruption Blog here.
"The Luzerne County Railroad" Sets New Barnes & Noble Store Record!

July 10, 2011 - Donna Wench, Community Relations Manager for the Barnes & Noble Store located at the Arena Hub in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania has announced that the new blockbuster book The Luzerne County Railroad has set a number of new sales records for her store. She added, "Author and former local Larry Hohol recently held an extremely successful book signing at our store. More than half of the stock ordered for the signing were sold before Mr. Hohol even arrived. Mr. Hohol began signing early due to the response and the remaining copies sold out in record time. We began a waiting list for replenishment stock, and asked the author to sign adhesive bookplates that readers could attach to their book upon receipt. I have reordered the book several times and still have a waiting list." She continued, "The record sales of the title show that this book, it's subject matter, and this author are very, very special.”
Sex, Bribery, Drugs and Legislatively Protected Power That the Mob Could Only Dream of Having!
"In Your Face Judicial Corruption"
This is a true story that describes how my experiences in court revealed a totally corrupt judicial system.
This is a story that will stun your senses and batter your perceptions of what you were raised to believe in. The stories you will read are based on actual events. Although I am the main character in most of this book, the book is really not about me. This is a book about a corrupt judicial system that was and still is totally out of control. I not only write about my firsthand experience with this judiciary but also about the corrupted “Checks and Balances” that are supposedly in place to protect the general public should the judiciary go awry. This book is not an interpretation of my personal bias, it is a reality that I lived through. It has also been a reality for thousands of other people, including hundreds of children (yes, I said children, and yes, I said HUNDREDS) here in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Within these pages we will examine other cases as well as mine. It is a reality that you may someday be exposed to as this could happen anywhere. I hope not. These pages will provide documented proof of my outrage. As you read this book you will shake your head in total disbelief. Your disbelief will turn into anger. Your anger will metamorphosis into fear. You will probably feel like you are riding a roller coaster……….no, an “Express Train” of emotions that will leave you speechless. At some point you may even shout out loud, “How could this possibly happen?” By the time you reach the end of this book you will probably feel totally powerless. You are. As individuals we are powerless against this form of corruption. Only with the consolidation of good, honest citizens can the demon known as corruption be slain.
I had been prodded over the years by friends and family to write a book about what happened to me in the Luzerne County Court System. Each and every time that someone would push the idea I simply said, “Why bother? The story is so incredible that no one would believe a word of it. Heck, I was there and I still don’t believe it.”
The 2009 arrests by the FBI of three sitting judges on corruption charges at the very same Luzerne County Courthouse I write about in this book, has given me hope. The question is, hope for what? I think about this hope a lot. I am still not sure what I am hoping for.
In the back of my mind, way back at the beginning of this entire fiasco, I had made a promise. I promised myself that when all was said and done, I would make sure my opponents knew they were in "one Hell of a Fight.” It is over fifteen years since then, and as I write this book I am smiling because I’m still not done and the fight is still not over. Winning my litigation is a goal no longer feasible. Apparently, it never was. Whether it was a fair fight or not the facts remain, I lost. I have accepted that reality and I have moved on.
This book is all about exposure. You see, if corrupt judges and attorneys are allowed to simply continue without consequence, they, and the people who take their places, will continue similar behavior. More importantly, the honest people who know what is going on will remain silent. In a very direct way their silence validates the corrupt behavior of others. Attorneys, court employees, even honest judges then have a laundry list of reasons why they “must” remain silent.

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I will prove the powers that be in Harrisburg have consistently known about the corruption in the Luzerne County Courts all along and have chosen to do nothing about it.
How can I prove these outrageous claims? In the pages of this book, I promise you I will prove it far beyond any doubt in your mind. I promise.
While writing this book, I have often thought about my Uncle Joe, whom I never met. He is buried in the Luxemburg City Cemetery, along with General George S. Patton. In my eyes my Uncle Joe is a bigger hero than General Patton. General Patton is just more famous. My uncle Joe was killed in action during the “Battle of the Bulge”. When called to defend our nation, he fought, died, and sacrificed all of his tomorrows so that we, as citizens of these United States, could and would live in freedom. His sacrifice, in part, allowed for all of our rights to continue on as guaranteed by our Constitution, or so it should be.
These rights are sacred and are to be defended from threat either foreign or DOMESTIC and must be secured not only for ourselves, but for our children’s children. I will do everything in my power to assure that my Uncle Joe’s ultimate sacrifice and the sacrifices of all of the other men and women who have defended our nation and our rights, not be in vain.
I am especially outraged by the corrupted who wear black robes. A Judge’s power, as well as unquestionable trust, has been cautiously given to them by the voters of this democracy, on the backs of our Military Veterans. My Uncle Joe died in the trenches of Europe. If I have to die on the steps of the Luzerne County Courthouse exposing this massive corruption ………so be it.
Uncle Joe, this book is dedicated to you. May you forever "Rest in Peace".
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On October 9, 2010 I was interviewed by David Madeira on www.TheDavidMadeiraShow.com on Scranton Pennsylvania's 94.3 FM. Listen to the interview here:
20101009 The David Madiera Show radio interview.mp3
On June 18, 2011 I was interviewed a second time by David Madeira on www.TheDavidMadeiraShow.com on Scranton Pennsylvania's 94.3 FM. Listen to the interview here:
June 18 2011 David Madeira Show - Larry Hohol.mp3

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Would you prefer to mail a check? No problem! Make the check payable to Larry Hohol and mail it to:
Larry Hohol
2741A West Highway 44
Deland, Florida 32720