Larry Hohol is the author of the new book, "The Luzerne County Railroad".  A story about  corruption in the American judicial system, the book will shake you to your core.  Each chapter will leave you amazed by the new depth of brazen greed and corruption.  If you think it couldn't get any worse, the next chapter will prove you wrong.

If you care about freedom and equality in America, you must read this book!

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Larry Hohol - Judicial Corruption Blog

Showing Tag: ""judicial conduct board"" (Show all posts)

Thousands of Court Cases Fixed in Luzerne County

Posted by Larry Hohol on Saturday, December 10, 2011, In : Current News 
I am trying to think back over the decades of how many civil and criminal cases have been fixed in Luzerne County. It is mind boggling. The Citizen's Voice caught a number of huge breaks here. Judge Ciavarella being found guilty of corruption is on the top of the list. Another break is that the Voice had deep enough pockets to continue on for almost a decade. The scariest part of all of this is the fact that NONE of the safety nets worked. The Appeals Court rubber stamped Ciavarella's origina...
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What the Penn State and Kids for Cash scandals have in common

Posted by Larry Hohol on Wednesday, November 23, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
From the November 11, 2011 The Legal Intelligencer, written by Hank Grezlak. My comment follows the article.

It's Open Season on Children in Pennsylvania

In light of the Penn State sex abuse scandal, Pennsylvania really needs to change its nickname from the Keystone State to the Child Abuser State.
The shameful moniker fits. After a decade that has already included the Archdiocese of Philadelphia priest sex abuse scandal and the Luzerne County judicial scandal featuring "kids-for-cash," how c...

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I Totally Disagree with all Members of the Bar Association Interviewed for this Article

Posted by Larry Hohol on Thursday, October 6, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
Please read this article first. Here is the link:

The Legal Intelligencer - Legal Observers Say Conahan's Sentence Fair, Starting Point for Healing

I couldn’t disagree more with all that were interviewed for this article.  I am a Luzerne County Native and a former Law Enforcement Officer from this County.  I am here to tell you that Ex-Judge/Convicted Felon Conahan told the biggest lie of his life while he addressed his victims and the Sentencing Judge. He stated the system was not corrup...

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Prison Bound Felon Judge Conahan Tells the Biggest Lie of His Life

Posted by Larry Hohol on Sunday, October 2, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
Ex-Judge Conahan told the biggest lie of his entire life when he stated that the system was not corrupt. The system all the way through failed to stop both of these judges.  The Judicial Conduct Board knew the bulk of the issues that these two corrupt judges were eventually charged with.  Instead of investigating as the board is "REQUIRED" to do, the board tabled a detailed anonymous complaint against these very judges and instead went after the Judge suspected of being the author.  This same...
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“Kids for cash” cover-up, federal style?

Posted by Larry Hohol on Wednesday, August 10, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
I am convinced that there is a cover up of the entire "Kids for Cash" scandal taking place before our very eyes.  Think about it.  The US Attorney's Office “shocked the world” when they rested their case against Ciavarella without presenting a single exhibit or witness to support the "kids for cash" charges in the indictment.  NOTHING on the record, NOTHING! US Attorney Peter Smith then stated after the trial that 12 guilty verdicts out of 39 charges was a great victory and that Federal C...
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WILK FM Radio's The Sue Henry Show interviews Larry Hohol

Posted by Larry Hohol on Thursday, August 4, 2011, In : Larry's News 
 My interview by Sue Henry, host of "The Sue Henry Show" on WILK-FM, 103.1 in Wilkes-Barre on June 16, 2011 as a part of the "Barnes and Noble Author Event" was a very successful and enjoyable experience.  The scheduled 20 minute appearance was extended to two hours after the switchboard lit up solid with phone calls from listeners.  The call-in listeners were great!  We had some very interesting and revealing conversations.  The video is in six parts.

My YouTube channel with...
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Judicial Conduct Board corruption needs to be exposed again!

Posted by Larry Hohol on Saturday, July 30, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
The proper thing would have been to offer new trials to all juveniles who requested one and let stand the convictions and guilty pleas of all who did not request a new trial. By doing so taxpayer money would NOT have been required for restitution.  The Pennsylvania Supreme Court was in such a hurry to cover up the inexcusable activity of the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board that justice or fairness never entered into the equation.  It was all about making this nightmare (exposure) go away ...
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Pennsylvania Bar Association is Part of the Problem

Posted by Larry Hohol on Saturday, April 30, 2011, In : Thoughts about Judicial Corruption 
If the Pennsylvania Bar Association is truly concerned about Judicial Corruption why don't they insist on a complete investigation of the Judicial Conduct Board and its DIRECT involvement in the Kids for Cash Scandal?  I will tell you why. The Bar Association is as much a part of the problem as any other aspect of this corruption. I personally called the State Bar Association about 6 weeks ago as I wanted to testify at their Dog and Pony Show when it came to Wilkes-Barre.  The very polite wom...
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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Denies Judge Lokuta’s Motion for Sinister Reasons

Posted by Larry Hohol on Friday, April 1, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
I don’t want to live in a country that cuts off both arms of convicted pickpockets.  There is NO DOUBT that Judge Lokuta deserves some sort of discipline for her Judge Judy style of justice in her courtroom.  That being said, I am extremely uncomfortable with the highest profile witnesses against her being Felon Ex-Judges Conahan and Ciavarella.  Combine this with the Chairman of the Judicial Conduct Board being business partners with Conahan and the Chief Prosecutor against Judge Lokuta be...
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Investigation of Judicial Conduct Board is now REQUIRED

Posted by Larry Hohol on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
I am here to tell you that if the FBI hadn't come to town and arrested Ex-Judge Toole he would still be looking down his drunken nose from his lofty perch and corruptly judging us common folk.  There needs to be a full blown Grand Jury Investigation of the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board as far back as the law permits. I would also venture to say if not for the FBI, both Ex-Judges Conahan and Ciavarella would still be stuffing the kiddy prison full while they themselves living the lifesty...
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The Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Should Be Investigated

Posted by Larry Hohol on Friday, March 25, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
I have a great idea.  How about an in-depth investigation into the entire Judicial Conduct Board?  The JCB gave no less than 5 reasons as to why they did not act on the Conahan Complaint as they are “REQUIRED” to do by their own rules.  All 5 explanations turned out to be misstatements of facts.  There was a time when we called misstatements of facts “lies”.

The fact of the matter was during the timeframe in question, the JCB was very, very busy removing a Judge from office that was be...

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Judicial Conflicts of Interest are a Nationwide Scandal

Posted by Larry Hohol on Sunday, February 13, 2011, In : Thoughts about Judicial Corruption 
I hope everyone takes the time to read the actual court transcripts that are linked below. This type of conflict of interest occurs a lot more than this court, any court will ever admit. I am not just talking about taking bribes. I am talking about serious conflicts of interest between the judge and one of the participating parties that is intentionally and illegally hidden from view by the judge. Just imagine being in court for any reason, spending the money for competent representation and ...
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“Kids for Cash” Trial Ramifications Are Huge

Posted by Larry Hohol on Wednesday, February 9, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
It appears that even the FBI and US Attorney’s Office did not want to open this can of worms. Understaffing of both organizations is probably the reason. Both organizations appeared content with carving a few more notches in their proverbial briefcases and moving on. A public trial of this magnitude has huge ramifications. It has the potential to not only expose massive corruption that extends far beyond Luzerne County but more troubling massive cover up by sitting, “high profile” polit...
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An "Analysis Commission" Won't Prevent Another "Kids for Cash" Scandal

Posted by Larry Hohol on Thursday, February 3, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
A Citizen's Voice article entitled Mundy reintroduces juvenile court legislation opens with:

"State Rep. Phyllis Mundy, D-Kingston, has reintroduced legislation to allow the Juvenile Court Judges Commission to analyze court cases and trends in the system in response to the Luzerne County kids-for-cash scandal."

I believe this is not a Juvenile Justice problem at all. This problem existed and flourished in full view of the checks and balances that are in place to insure such things don't occur...

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Will Never Reverse Judge Lokuta Decision - Doing So Would Implicate the Supreme Court Itself

Posted by Larry Hohol on Monday, January 31, 2011, In : Current News 
Upwards of 40 Complaints filed against Conahan and Ciavarella and all were dismissed by the Judicial Conduct Board when in fact C&C admitted they were committing unspeakable felonies while on the bench. Most of the witnesses who testified against Judge Lokuta have been arrested, removed from office, or worked directly for those who have. The Chairman of the Judicial Conduct Board was business partners with Conahan. Attorney Dick Sprague who spearheaded the removal of Judge Lokuta while sittin...
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Were the proceedings to remove Judge Lokuta tainted?

Posted by Larry Hohol on Saturday, January 15, 2011, In : Current News 
Were the proceedings to remove Judge Lokuta tainted?  That is the real question here.  The Chairman of the Judicial Conduct Board was business partners in TWO businesses with the now indicted Judge Conahan.  Most of the 30 individuals that testified against Judge Lokuta worked directly for Conahan and Ciavarella and some of them have since also been indicted on corruption charges.  Upwards of 40 complaints had been filed against Conahan and Ciavarella prior to the Lokuta proceedings including...
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I'm Not a Fan of Judge Lokuta, BUT....

Posted by Larry Hohol on Saturday, January 1, 2011, In : Current News 
My comments about Judge Lokuta have stirred some impassioned reactions from readers of my newspaper article comments and my blog.

Let me make it clear.  I am not a fan of Judge Lokuta.  That being said, we know that a number of people who testified against Judge Lokuta were committing felonies at the same time they testified against her.  We also know that the Chairman of the Judicial Conduct Board was business partners in TWO businesses with one of those admitted felons (Conahan) thus creatin...

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Kids for Cash Scandal. No... Atrocity!

Posted by Larry Hohol on Thursday, November 25, 2010, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
Everyone PLEASE Google the phrase “Kids for Cash”. It is a huge ongoing scandal involving a privatized prison in Pennsylvania in which thousands of children were illegally incarcerated over a period of about the last 5 years. Two State Judges have been arrested by the FBI for taking bribes amounting to over 2.8 million dollars from the prison developers and the prison operators. The entire safety net system up to and including the Supreme Court of PA failed to halt these incarcerati...
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