I am here to tell you that it is one of life’s greatest moments when someone totally unknown to you reads a book you have written about your life and then writes a review of this magnitude. I wish my book was about a subject that was more pleasant and inspiring. A book about succeeding in business and in life in general seems like it would be a better fit for me and who I am. That was not meant to be.

Little did I know when I was going through my very lonely, gut wrenching experience with Judicial Corruption that someday I would be used as a conduit to expose this very seedy side of our great nation. It is my hope of hopes that my experience and my willingness to expose this great American tragedy will motivate enough people to aggressively attack this problem, if not for ourselves then for our children and grandchildren.

Thank you Mr. John Plucenik for your “once in a lifetime” review of my life and my work. I am truly humbled.